Entry Form - Guide

What is an Entry Form and how do I build one?

Updated over a week ago

Entry forms are the tools used to collect data from visitors entering your campaign. Entry forms contain a customized selection of entry fields for visitors to enter their data. Each form is sectioned into four basic steps. Each step is explained below.

Step 1

Step 1 of the entry form is the first thing visitors will see when they first arrive at the contest/promotion page. Visitors begin by sharing their email address, either by directly typing it into the text bar or by having the system pull it from a social media account (Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.). In the setup view, seen above in blue, you can choose what options visitors may have for logging in.

Additionally, located at the top of the setup view in yellow, you can choose the frequency that a visitor may enter your campaign. For example, you may decide that visitors may enter only once during the entire campaign, three times per day, or allow an infinite number of entries.

Lastly, by clicking on the Colors tab (located at the bottom of the setup view, in green), additional options will appear that will allow you to customize the appearance of your entry form. These options include the general color theme, the transparency of the entry form's frame, and the shade of the form's text to allow for easier reading based on how light or dark your background is.

Step 2

Step 2 will contain entry fields for users to enter their initial information, just before officially being entered into the campaign. A good rule of thumb is to include any information you absolutely require from a visitor in order for them to enter the campaign, such as name, an option to agree to legal terms, and anything else you need from an entrant. Other common fields that are added include the option to sign up for newsletters, a phone number for contacting the visitor if they win, and/or a birthday to ensure the visitor meets age requirements. Once a user submits this information, they will officially be entered into the campaign and be taken to step 3, where they can share additional information for a better chance to win. (See below.)

Step 3

By Step 3, entrants have officially been entered into the campaign. As a marketer, you have already collected the entrant's email, name, and any information you required of them in Step 2.

However, now that the visitor is invested and you have their attention, this is a great opportunity to offer incentives (bonus entries) for sharing additional information and performing additional actions. This is the ideal place to boost social media following, have visitors watch ads, take surveys, ask marketing questions and increase online and foot traffic by giving users a better chance at winning!

*Note: Facebook has very specific rules about offering incentive to boost Likes. To abide by these rules, we cannot allow bonus entries for Liking a Facebook page. It never hurts to include it, though!

Step 4

Step 4 is simply a thank you message letting the user know that they have completed the entry form. In addition, this is good opportunity to share a logo, ad, link, or call to action!

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